* sscs_Table.html

  sscsPlot.html.20230919 works pretty good

  Need to add:
    *  nice textbox
    * green buttons when checks are good
    * green plot button when checks are good
    * nice check function
    * nice message function

    * array expander / count

when you change model or start program

get vds_min vds_max
    vgs_min vgs_max
    vsb_min vsb_max
    lgg_min lgg_max

When you edit a field, check that 

  number of points is >= 1

  range is within vds_min-1.0e-8 to vds_max + 1.0e-8

  number of points is less than sweep variable if it is the parametric

  give warning if parametric is 1 point or >= number of sweep points