VERSION|0.5.1|SUBJECT|Buy TSMC|CONTENT|Everybody says "buy low and sell high", but the fact is nobody wants to buy the low stuff when it's low.  Oil was struggling along for years in the 1990's, but no one wanted to touch it.  Everybody kept buying internet bubble stocks that all turned out to be just a bunch of hot air.

Now everybody loves oil and fertilizer and steel, and despite the fact that they are alreay "high", money keeps flowing in.

If you want to buy something when it is low, buy TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor - Stock Ticker = TSM).  It's a great company.  They manufacture chips for 100's of companies around the world.  In fact, they do not have any of their own products, they only manufacture for other companies.

Right now many semicondutor companies are barely hanging on, simply trying to keep their doors open and the lights on, but they're not selling enough product, and more importantly, the price is low because demand is low.  As everyone can see from everything from oil to fertilizer to steel to houses, when demand increases, and supplies get tight - all of a sudden people start making obscene profits (consider Exxon-Mobil report another world record profitable quarter yesterday).  When demand for tech finally increases, TSMC will supply a huge chunck of the raw material for that boom - and will they make some money?  Ask the people who sell fertilizer now if they're doing all right!

-- Greg